By USGA standards with an emphasis on pace of play the JTMD will adhere to the following pace of play policy:
18 Hole Divisions – Target Times
- 4th tee marker – 45 minutes after tee time
- 7th tee marker – 1hr 30 minutes after tee time
- 10th tee marker – 2hrs 15 minutes after tee time
- 13th tee marker – 3hrs after tee time
9 Hole Divisions – Target Times
- 4th tee marker – 50 minutes after tee time
- 7th tee marker – 1hr 40 minutes after tee time
1st Warning – All players in the group will be warned prior to the target time and coinciding tee marker.
2nd Warning – All players in the group will be asked to skip ONE hole and receive a default score* in line with the score of their round.
* Default Score – if a player shoots 18 over par for 18 holes, the default score would be +1 for the skipped hole